
Probiotic Cleaning Now Adopted by Uazen

Effective cleaning products are an essential part of providing a good cleaning service. There are a wide range of traditional materials to use but recently various 'probiotic' cleaning products have been launched. The benefit of these are that they are kinder to the environment and also better for the long term health of those using them. Probiotic de-scalers and cleaning fluids work by breaking down dirt and grime using natural biodetergents rather than harshly disinfecting everything all at once. They are gentler and can last for a number of days on most surfaces.

But do they clean as well? Uazen has been trying some of these out in a variety of settings and the results have been very good. When used properly probiotics can be very effective! Whilst they are not suitable for every situation they definitely now have a big role to play in the professional cleaning industry. Uazen has conducted further research and found the best range of products to use with our clients. This includes shower descalers that work well in hard water areas, toilet cleaners that can even be used with septic tanks and multi-surface cleaners. All these are now being used as standard.

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